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Program language

Program language
 The instructions are written (or coded) in some programming language, is executable by a computer to perform a specific task. A Programming language is a formal language which specifies a set of instructions and the rules of their application. By the correct use and combination of the instructions we can create our programs.
A lot of programming languages have been developed since the beginning of computer science and the development has not finished at all. Actually, a continuous development is going on in the world of programming languages.
Programming languages may be classified into programming language generations. This classification tries to mirror the development in programming styles and languages. Programming language generation,
 First generation languages (1GL):
 Numerical machine code languages are regarded as the lowest-level programming languages (lowest abstraction level). The instructions are actually binary numbers which can be expressed in octal or hexadecimal format to reduce the length of instructions in a program.
These programming languages are hardware-dependent which means that the instruction set is specific to a class of processors using the same hardware architecture. For example, the machine code 00000101 causes the CPU to decrement the numeric value actually held by B processor register in the case of a Zilog Z80 processor.
 Second generation languages (2GL):
An assembly language program is shorter than its correspondent machine code program. Unlike a machine code program, an assembly language program cannot be executed directly by the CPU. A special utility program called assembler is used for converting the source code into a machine code program.
They were mostly used in the 1950-s an 1960-s. Until recently, assembly languages were used for writing low level, simple but efficient programs for specific hardware such as industrial microcontrollers or mobile phones. Because of the luck of higher abstraction level statements (loops and conditional branches), writing a larger and more complex program is slow and hard. This is the main reason why their use is declining. Programming language generation PDP-11 minicomputers (1970) manufactured by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).
Third generation languages (3GL):
They are also called high level languages. The abstraction level of these languages was raised by introducing several new and useful elements in programming. Their most important features are the application of different data types and structures (e.g. integer, float, double, arrays), control structures (conditional branches, loops), several operators (arithmetic, relational and logical operators). Due to these innovations the program development became significantly easier and faster.
 Fourth-generation languages (4GL):
The main purpose of designing newer languages with higher abstraction level was facilitating and accelerating the process of software development. 4GL languages are also known as very high level languages because a single 4GL instruction may replace several 3GL instructions, so the source codes are shorter and more similar to a text written in a natural language (generally in English) than those of 3GL languages.
Most of them are aimed at solving specific problems (domain specific languages). Programming language generation Fourth-generation languages (4GL) For example: SQL is a language to query databases, Oracle Reports is a language to make reports.
Fifth Generation languages (5GL):
The components of a program, the connections of the components, the operations and the control flow of the operations can be represented by graphical objects. And the suitable arrangement of the required elements forms the program.
The development environment converts the graphically edited program into the source code of a 3GL or 4GL language. These languages are mostly domain specific. Programming paradigms Programming paradigm is an approach of programming which is supported by a set of theories, models and methods used in programming.


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