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1. Data type is used to specify what type of value to be stored in a variable.
2. C language supports different types of data types.
3. The size and range of these data types may vary based on processor type and compiler.

                Integer data types are used to represent value without decimal point. We can represent signed values and unsigned values. In integer category we have int, short int, long int as data types. The size and range of integer data types described in below table.

                                                      TYPE                        SIZE                         RANGE
1.       short int                  8 bits / 1 byte                           -128 to +127
2.       unsigned short int   8 bits / 1 byte                              0 to 255
3.       Int                           16 bits /2 bytes                     -32768 to +32767
4.       unsigned int            16 bits /2 bytes                           0 to 65535
5.       long int                   32 bits/4 bytes              -2147483648 to +2147483647
6.       unsigned long int    32 bits/4 bytes                         0 to 4294967295

1. In unsigned integer all bit positions are used to represent data.
2. In signed integer MSB bit is used to represent the sign (+,-) of a value, remaining bits represent value.

These data types have at least one digit with a decimal point. These are also signed and unsigned. Real data types are used to represent a value in the form of MANTISSA and EXPONENT.

TYPE                                          SIZE                                     RANGE
                   1. Float                                 32 bits / 4 bytes                   3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38
                 2. Double                             64 bits / 8 bytes                    1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308
               3. long double                     80 bits / 10 bytes                     3.4E-4932 to 1.1E+4932

1.       Float variables contains up to 6 digits of precision where as double and long double have 10 digits of precision.


By using character data type we can represent single character or combination of characters called strings. Character data types are either signed or unsigned.

             TYPE                                              SIZE                                             RANGE

            1.  Char                                        8 bits / 1 byte                               -128 to +12                                2. Unsigned char                        8 bits / 1 byte                                    0 to 255


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