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Photoshop lab-7

Create Broacher for GIET Degree College

Step 1:

Go to Photoshop file menu and click new option. It will displays new dialog box. In that dialog box enter the size of the broacher (ex: width=6, Height=8). New document will be created.

Step 2:  

This document will be used for front side of the broacher. Now I am creating broacher for our college.

Step 3:

Change the background of the document by inserting a good looking
designed image.

 Step 4:

On the top of the document put horizontal typing tool and type college
Ø Highlight the college name entered
Ø Insert college logo below the college name
Ø Type address of the college
Ø Insert any images.
Ø Crate a new document of the same size for back side of the         broacher
Ø After that enter the following data like, courses offered, results, placements of the previous year, facilities available in the college.
Ø Change the format of the text for each item.

 Step :5

After that go to file menu and select save option. Save this document in .psd format,  Your broacher is ready, take a print out.


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