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Creating, Saving, Opening Doucument

We able to create new, i.e blank documents by using one of several options.
Choose File → New Blank File to open the New dialog box, in which we have choose the document size, resolution, and other attributes.

Follow these steps to create a new document:
Choose File → New → Blank File in any workspace or press Ctrl + N.
than New named dialog box opens.

Select the attributes for the new file.
We have several options from which to choose:

Name: Type a name for our file.

Preset: From the drop-down list, we select from a number of different sizes.

Size: we can select a preset size from a long drop-down list. This is optional because we can change the file attributes in the other text boxes and drop-down menus.

Dimensions (Width/Height): Values in the Width and Height text boxes can be edited without affecting the other. Adjacent to the values in the Width and Height text boxes, we find drop-down menus that offer many different options for units of measure.

Resolution: The resolution is an independent value and isn’t linked to the dimensions.

Color Mode: We have different choices like Bitmap, Grayscale, and RGB Color.

Background Contents: We have three choices: White, Background Color, and Transparent. The selection We make results in the color of the blank image.

Image Size: This value (displayed in the lower-right corner of the dialog box) dynamically changes when we change the Width, Height, and Resolution values. The reported value is how much file space is required to save the uncompressed file.

Click OK after setting the file attributes to create the new document.


Most probably we use the Save command to save changes to the current file or the Save As command to save changes to a different file.

Save changes to the current file

Save a file with a different name, location, or format

Choose File > Save As.
Choose a format from the Format menu.
Specify a filename and location.
In the Save As dialog box, select saving options.  Click Save.

A dialog box appears for choosing options when saving in some image formats.
File saving options
We have to set a variety of file saving options in the Save As dialog box. The availability of options depends on the image we saving and the selected file format.

As A Copy
Saves a copy of the file while keeping the current file open on your desktop.
Alpha Channels
Saves alpha channel information with the image. Disabling this option removes the alpha channels from the saved image.
Preserves all layers in the image. If this option is disabled or unavailable, all visible layers are flattened or merged (depending on the selected format).
Saves notes with the image.
Spot Colors
Saves spot channel information with the image. Disabling this option removes spot colors from the saved image.
Use Proof Setup, ICC Profile (Windows), or Embed Color Profile (Mac OS)
Creates a color-managed document.
Thumbnail (Windows)
Saves thumbnail data for the file.
Use Lower Case Extension (Windows)
Makes the file extension lowercase.


Opening a file is easy, just go to Menu > File > Open…

Navigate to the file and highlight it, then click OK.

If the location of the file is unknown, use Find File.

1. Find the file Collage.jpg (Use File Find )( Note Location)

2. Go back to PhotoShop

3. Do Menu > File > Open Collage.jpg


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