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DATA TYPE : 1. Data type is used to specify what type of value to be stored in a variable. 2. C language supports different types of data types. 3. The size and range of these data types may vary based on processor type and compiler. INTEGER DATA TYPES:                  Integer data types are used to represent value without decimal point. We can represent signed values and unsigned values. In integer category we have int, short int, long int as data types. The size and range of integer data types described in below table.                                                        TYPE                        SIZE                        ...
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C-TOKENS:              Each individual unit or element in a statement is called Token. C language contains different types of Tokens. a. Identifiers b. Variables c. Data Types d. Constants e. Operators f. Key Words g. Delimiters IDENTIFIERS: In C-language names of variables, functions, labels and various other user-defined names or objects are called identifiers. Rules for defining identifiers: 1. The first character must be an alphabet or an underscore, sub-sequent characters must be either letters, digits or underscore. 2. No space is allowed in between identifiers and no special characters are also allowed except underscore. 3. Key Words are not allowed as identifiers. 4. There is no limit of length of an identifier but some compilers will recognize only 8 or 32 characters. Valid  Count1 , Test123 , Student_name Invalid  1count , 123test , Student-name VARIABLES: A variable is a da...


STRUCTURE OF A “C” PROGRAM: The general structure of a C programming language is sub-divided into different sections. Those are 1. Documentation Section 2. Pre-processor Directive Section a. Linkage Section b. Definition Section 3. Global Variable Declaration Section 4. Main function 5. Local Variable Declaration Section 6. Executable Part 7. User Defined Section DOCUMENTATION SECTION: Documentation section is also known as comment section. Here, comment statements are non-executable statements. Comments are started by using “/*” and end with “*/”. Comments are used for the purpose of documentation within the program. There are two types of comments. Single line comments and multi line comments. Ex:           /* My First Program */                              ...


NETWORK DEVICES Networks require devices to provide connectivity and functionality. Understanding how these networking devices operate and identifying the functions they perform are essential skills for any network administrator. Hubs Hubs are used in networks that use twisted-pair cabling to connect devices. Hubs can also be joined together to create larger networks. Hubs are simple devices that direct data packets to all devices connected to the hub, regardless of whether the data package is destined for the device. This makes them inefficient devices and can create a performance bottleneck on busy networks. In its most basic form, a hub does nothing except provide a pathway for the electrical signals to travel along. Such a device is called a passive hub. Far more common nowadays is an active hub, which, as well as providing a path for the data signals, regenerates the signal before it forwards it to all of the connected devices. A hub does not perform any processing o...

Program language

Program language   The instructions are written (or coded) in some programming language, is executable by a computer to perform a specific task. A Programming language is a formal language which specifies a set of instructions and the rules of their application. By the correct use and combination of the instructions we can create our programs. A lot of programming languages have been developed since the beginning of computer science and the development has not finished at all. Actually, a continuous development is going on in the world of programming languages. Programming languages may be classified into programming language generations. This classification tries to mirror the development in programming styles and languages. Programming language generation,   First generation languages (1GL):   Numerical machine code languages are regarded as the lowest-level programming languages (lowest abstraction level). The instructions are actually binary numbers which...

Flow chart

A flowchart is a graphical representation of Algorithm. It was originated from computer science as a tool for representing algorithms and programming logic but had extended to use in all other kinds of processes. Nowadays, flowcharts play an extremely important role in displaying information and assisting reasoning. They help us visualize complex processes, or make explicit the structure of problems and tasks. A flowchart can also be used to define a process or project to be implemented.   Flowchart Symbols Different flowchart shapes have different conventional meanings. The meanings of some of the more common shapes are as follows: Terminator The terminator symbol represents the starting or ending point of the system. Process A box indicates some particular operation. Decision A diamond represents a decision or branching point. Lines coming out from the diamond indicates different possible situations, leading to different sub-processes. ...