DATA TYPE : 1. Data type is used to specify what type of value to be stored in a variable. 2. C language supports different types of data types. 3. The size and range of these data types may vary based on processor type and compiler. INTEGER DATA TYPES: Integer data types are used to represent value without decimal point. We can represent signed values and unsigned values. In integer category we have int, short int, long int as data types. The size and range of integer data types described in below table. TYPE SIZE ...
C-TOKENS: Each individual unit or element in a statement is called Token. C language contains different types of Tokens. a. Identifiers b. Variables c. Data Types d. Constants e. Operators f. Key Words g. Delimiters IDENTIFIERS: In C-language names of variables, functions, labels and various other user-defined names or objects are called identifiers. Rules for defining identifiers: 1. The first character must be an alphabet or an underscore, sub-sequent characters must be either letters, digits or underscore. 2. No space is allowed in between identifiers and no special characters are also allowed except underscore. 3. Key Words are not allowed as identifiers. 4. There is no limit of length of an identifier but some compilers will recognize only 8 or 32 characters. Valid Count1 , Test123 , Student_name Invalid 1count , 123test , Student-name VARIABLES: A variable is a da...